Milky Way Tour
Immortal Apples, Eternal Eggs
Verksmidjan á
Happy to have work featured in this new publication, retracing the history of my favorite art center in the world, Verksmidjan.
Text by Margrét Elísabet Ólafsdottir.
Hjalteyri, Iceland
Nature Morte
Les Psychonautes
Pleased to have H.U.M.A.N.W.O.R.L.D. discussed in Sinziana Ravini’s latest book, published by the Presses Universitaires de France (P.U.F.)
Collection Perspectives Critiques,
directed by Laurent de Sutter
from 23 December 2020
Modern Forms is currently broadcasting "Cuddly" (1998), as part of an upcoming presentation and reappraisal of H.U.M.A.N.W.O.R.L.D.
"Cuddly" (1998) is a part of "We Are the World”, a H.U.M.A.N.W.O.R.L.D. project
10 - 25 November 2020
The David Roberts Art Foundation is currently broadcasting "We Are the Children - part 2" (2004), which they purchased in 2007, as part of a wider ensemble of my works including sculptures and photographs.
"We Are the Children - part 2" (2004) is a H.U.M.A.N.W.O.R.L.D. project
Gæsahúð / Facetime / Fleur de peau
Enigma Pinnochio.
From Giacometti to LaChapelle.
12 January - 28 February 2019
Amsterdam, Netherlands
A group show at the gallery with highlights of HE.RO’s 2018 programme.
Works by Desiree Dolron, Jake and Dinos Chapman, Atelier van Lieshout, Shezad Dawood, Guillaume Paris, Michael Pybus, Victor Payares and others.
Documents - Collectionner l'Art Numerique - Tome 2 - 2007-2018
Recent publication
ISBN-10: 2378960190
ISBN-13: 978-2378960193
Waiting for the sun
28 Novembre - 02 December 2018
Works from the FRAC Occitanie
Le Lieu Multiple / Galerie Annie Gabrielli
Featuring works by:
Conrad Bakker, Enna Chaton, Marylène Négro, Guillaume Paris, Philippe Parreno, Abraham Poincheval, Klaus Scherübel, TAROOP & GLABEL, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Laurent Tixador.
curated by Carbonne 14
06 Octobre - 21 December 2018
Strasbourg, France
The exhibition features the interactive website of H.U.M.A.N.W.O.R.L.D., as part of the digital art collection of
Market Forces
15 September – 27 October 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Opening: Saturday 15 September, 17 – 20 hrs
Atelier van Lieshout / Aukje Dekker / Ceel Mogami de Haas / Claire Fontaine / David Birkin & Mariam Ghani / Desiree Dolron / DIS / Ed Fornieles / Gabriele Beveridge / Guillaume Paris / Jake & Dinos Chapman / Jeremy Hutchison / Keith Coventry / Leo Fitzmaurice / Martha Rosler / Michael Pybus / Wayne Horse / Ximena Fuentes / Yoan Mudry
curated by Nick Hackworth
works from the Frac Pays de la Loire at
22 March - 23 May 2018
Featuring works by: Boris Achour, Christian Boltankski, Ann Veronica Janssens, Guillaume Paris, Sam Samore, Sarkis, Patrick Tosani and others
solo project at
Opening reception Sunday 1 October, 2 - 4 pm
2 - 28 October 2017
Thursday - Saturdays 2 - 6 pm
MOCA London Stand 1
Opening Reception
Friday 29 September 18:00 – 21:00 (Invites Only)
Opening Hours
Saturday 30 September – Thursday 5 October 12:00 – 19:00
Featuring works by: Annie Attridge, Roberto Ekholm, Simon English, Martin Gustavsson, Renata Hegyi, Laurie Innes, Åsa Johannesson, Caroline McCarthy, Guillaume Paris, Michael Petry, Miho Sato, Gavin Turk
... and others
Contemporary still life
7 September 2017 - 2 April 2018
London, England
Curated by Michael Petry, Robeto Eckholm & Katherine Pearce
Nature Morte
Featuring works by : Peter Abrahams, Sue Arrowsmith, Maurizio Bongiovanni, Aziz+Cucher, Jan Kjetil Bjørheim, Elaine Bradford, Per Christian Brown, Mat Collishaw, Marcus Cope, Michael Craig-Martin, Roberto Ekholm, Saara Ekström, Simon English, Nick Fox, Ana Genovés, Ori Gersht, Martin Gustavsson, Lisa Milroy, Polly Morgan, Museum Clausum, Dermot O’Brien, Gabriel Orozco, Guillaume Paris, Michael Petry, Marc Quinn, Michael Raedecker, Victoria Reynolds, Miho Sato, Jennifer Steinkamp, Richard Stone, Clare Twomey, Maciej Urbanek, Mathew Weir, James White, Kraig Wilson, Cindy Wright
... and others
Featuring also:
Henri Fantin-Latour, Pieter Claesz, Floris van Schooten, Willem Kalf, Thomas Sidney Cooper, Arthur Paine Garratt, Vera Cunningham, George Walter Harris, Pieter van de Venne
13-18 June 2017
Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin)
Multiple Art Days
13-19 March 2017
La Gaïté Lyrique
Paris, France
Nature Morte
Contemporary Artists reinvigorate the
Still-Life tradition
19 February - 14 May 2017
The Four Domes Pavilion, Museum of Contemporary Art, Branch of the National Museum
Wrocław, Poland
curated by Michael Petry
featuring works by: Mat Collishaw, Marc Quinn, Jennifer Steinkamp, Polly Morgan, Ori Gersht, Michael Craig-Martin, Gabriel Orozco, Aziz + Cucher, Peter Jones, Martin Gustavsson, Ana Genovés, Todd Herbert, Guillaume Paris, Rigoberto A. Gonzalez, MihoSato, Livia Marin, YukenTeruya, Barnaby Barford, James White, Alina Szapocznikow, Jonasz Stern, Andrzej Dudek-Dürer, Jerzy Lewczyński, Jan Jaromir Aleksiun, Magdalena Abakanowicz, Jadwiga Sawicka
... and others
Greater Taipei Biennal of Contemporary Arts
7 November 2016 - 14 January 2017
National Taiwan University of the Arts
Taipei, Taiwan
curated by François Jullien
Les artistes de l'Académie de France à Rome de Louis XIV à nos jours
14 October 2016 - 15 January 2017
Rome, Italy
12 June - 11 September 2016
Sandnes, Norway
curated by Roberto EkholmI EKCO
Per Christian Brown, Ori Gersht, Nigel Grimmer, Laurie Innes, Sturat Mayes, Dani Marti, Guillaume Paris, Monika Oechsler, Saskia Olde Wolbers.
L'image volée
10 March - 23 July 2016
Milan, Italy
curated by Thomas Demand
featuring works by: Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Pierre Bismuth, Sophie Calle, Marcel Duchamp, Maurizio Cattelan, Guillaume Paris, Asger Jorn, Martin Kippenberger, Adolph von Menzel, Elad Lassry, Wangechi Mutu, Thomas Ruff, Anri Sala, John Stezaker, Rudolf Stingel, Elaine Sturtevant, Christopher Williams
... and others
The Touch of Art
2 February - 16 May 2016
Basel, Switzerland
curated by Roland Wetzel
featuring works by: Marcel Duchamp, Alberto Giacometti, Bethan Huws, Yves Klein, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Meret Oppenheim, Guiseppe Penone, Man Ray, Marina Abramović & Ulay, Vito Acconci, Renate Bertlmann, Stan Brakhage, Chris Burden, Peter Campus, Valie Export, Bruce Nauman, Ewa Partum, Carolee Schneemann, Günter Brus, Otto Ruehl, Tania Bruguera, Regina José Galindo, Rosenberg Sandoval, Pipilotti Rist, Guillaume Paris, Jean Tinguely, Christo, Ryan Gander, Miriam Cahn, Ernesto Neto, Frans West
... and others